Contact information:

 Leif Nilsson                         Fredrik Haas
 Ecology Building                   Ecology Building
 S-223 62  Lund                    S-223 62  Lund
 Sweden                              Sweden


To Swedish homepage   

International Waterfowl Counts

Annual Midwinter Counts have been organised in Sweden as a part of the  International Midwinter Counts (IWC) of Wetlands International since the start of the counts in 1967, whereas a national September survey started in 1973.  

The Midwinter counts 2020 and the September counts 2019 are  analyzed and  available on the homepage. The counts in 2020/2021 have been made according to plans and the reports are being collected and entered into the data-base.

Follow the link to see the results waterfowl counts

An analysis of the first fifty years of midwinter counts in Sweden (including the third Country-wide survey 2015 ) was published in Ornis Svecica 2016 and can be downloaded here.

Waterbird midwinter counts fifty years

Download the latest report here (2018/19) 


International Goose Counts in Sweden  

Regular country-wide goose counts within the framework of the Goose Specialist Group of Wetlands International are undertaken in Sweden since 1977/78. In recent years goose counts are organized in September, October, November and January.

The results from the goose counts for 2019/20 have been analyzed and the results are now available on the homepage.  The planned counts for 2020/21 have been made but are incomplete due to the pandemic.

Follow the link to see the results Goose counts

The results of the Swedish Goose counts during 1977/78 - 2019/20have  been published in Wildfowl and  can be downloaded below:

Wildfowl 2020 Goose Counts

Download the latest report here (2018/19) 


The Whooper Swan survey in Sweden January 2020 












During 11- 12 January Whooper Swans were surveyed in Sweden as part of the international counts undertaken with five year intervals since 1995.

To date 17209 Whooper Swans have been reported from the Swedish sites, mainly in the southern third of the country. Five years ago (2015) the total for the country was 11767 Whooper Swans.

 Whooper Swan census

Page last updated 2021-02-10

The second offshore survey of Swedish waters in the winter 2016

In the winter 2016 a new survey of the wintering waterbirds in the Baltic was undertaken.

The Longtailed Duck has shown a dramatic decrease in numbers during recent years. The estimated population in Swedish waters have decreased from 1.4 mill. in 1992/93 to about 0.5 mill. in 2009. The mumbers wintering in Swedish waters in 2016 were  estimated to be 370000, but it is not yet clear if there is a general decrease in the winterig Baltic population or whether it is a redistribution.

see  Offshore Swedish Seabird Counts