Regular goose counts started in Sweden in 1977/78 as a part of the International Goose Counts organized by Wetlands International. The counts have thus been made now for 42 years without a break. During 1997/78 to 1986/87 monthly counts were undertaken in October - April. The counts originally aimed to cover all sites used by Bean Geese, but all species were covered on all occassions. From 1987/88 the counts were concentrated to the months September, October, November and January (midwinter count). Total number of the different goose species counted in 2018/19
Note: For the Bean Goose the table give a total for the species and a split on tagia and tundra geese. Total number of the different goose species counted in 2019/20 Note that the totals below are still preliminary. No data has been entered for January as several areas have not yet been reported.
The results of the counts for the different species are presented below. Summary tables and graphs for the entire period of the study are found in the species sections as well as some typical distribution maps. For results from a specific year, see the annual reports that can be downloaded (see below!).
Species accounts:
Pinkfooted Goose Anser brachyrhynchus
White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons
Canada Goose Branta canadensis
Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis
Download reports and papers with results from the counts
Annual Reports
Latest annual report
Report for 2018/19 (together with the report from the International Waterfowl counts)
The results of the Swedish Goose
counts during 1977/78 - 2019/20 have been
published in Wildfowl and a PDF can be downloaded below. For regional analysis
for 1977/78-2011/12 see
Ornis Svecica 2013.
Wilsfowl 2020 Goose counts 1977/78 - 2019/20
Ornis Svecica 2013 Goose Counts
Last Updated 2021-01-25