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The first ever total survey of wintering waterbirds in the Baltic sea was undertaken in 1992/93, using a combination of aerial surveys, boat counts and ground counts. In 2007 - 2009 a second survey (SOWBAS) was undertaken in cooperation with the different Baltic states with the main aim to elucidate possible changes since the first survey. The 2007 - 2009 survey was mainly planned as aerial surveys and with had the aim to cover all areas in 2007 and 2008, but due to weather it had to be extended to 2009 before completion. The report from the SOWBAS project can be downloaded following the link below. A report based on the surveys in Swedish waters was published in Ornis Svecica 2012 and can also be downloaded. During the same time Naturvårdsverket in Sweden decided to make a larger study of the seabirds wintering in Swedish waters and to investigate the possibilities to include these important groups in the regular mointoring programs for Swedish birdlife. The counts were therefore continued in 2010 and 2011. This material has now been analyzed and you will find some results of the surveys if you follow the links to the different offshore seaducks below. There you will also find infomration about survey methods and areas covered. In the winter 2016 a new all-Baltic offshore survey was undertaken. This year the entire Swedish Baltic coast was covered by aerial line-transects, but there were no counts on the west coast. However most areas of importance for the seaducks (especially Eider was covered in 2015). The only areas not covered were the southern part of Kattegatt with important concentrations of Velvet and Common Scoter, which were only covered from the ground. The results for the five main offshore seaducks are found under the species accounts.
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