Published reports (selection)


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Nilsson,L. 1979. Gåsinventeringar i Sverige september - april 1977/78 and 1978/79.  Anser 18: 263-278. English summary: Goose counts in Sweden in September - April 1977/78 and 1978/79.


Nilsson,L. 1981. Gåsinventeringar i Sverige october - april 1979/80 and 1980/81. Anser 20:221-226.  English summary: Goose counts in Sweden in October - April 1979/80 and 1980/81.


Nilsson,L. 1984. Gåsinventeringar i Sverige october - april 1981/82 and 1982/83.  Anser 23:101-108. English summary: Counts of geese in Sweden in October - April 1981/82 and 1982/83.

Nilsson,L. & Persson,H. 1984. Non-breeding distribution, numbers and ecology of Bean Goose Anser fabalis in Sweden. Swedish Wildlife Research 13:107-170.


Nilsson,L. 1986. Gåsinventeringar i Sverige october - april 1983/84 and 1984/85. Anser 25:1-10.   English summary: Goose counts in Sweden in October - April 1983/84 and 1984/85.


Nilsson,L. 1988. Staging and wintering goose populations in South Sweden 1977-78 to 1986-87. Wildfowl 39:88-97.

Nilsson,L. 1988. Gåsinventeringar i Sverige october - april 1985/86 and 1986/87. Anser 27:117-124. English summary: Goose counts in Sweden in October - April 1985/86 and 1986/87.


Nilsson,L. 1991. Gåsinventeringar i Sverige i october, november och januari 1987-88 - 1989-90. Anser 30:101-110. Swedish with English summary: Goose counts in Sweden in October, November and January 1987-88 - 1989-90.


Nilsson,L. 1993. Gåsinventeringar i Sverige i october, november och januari1990/91 - 1992/93. Anser 32:263-271. English summary: Goose counts in Sweden in October, November and January 1990/91 - 1992/93.


Nilsson,L., van den Berrgh,L. & Madsen,J. 1999. Taiga Bean Goose Anser fabalis fabalis. Pp 20-37 in Madsen,J., Cracknell,G. & Fox,A.D. (eds.) Goose populations in the western Palearctic. A review of status and distribution. Wetlands International Publ. 48, Wetlands international, Wageningen, The Netherlands. National Environmental Research Institute, Rönde, Denmark.

Nilsson,L., Follestad,A., Koffijberg,K., Kuiken,E., Madsen,J., Mooij,J., Mouronval,J.B., Persson,H., Schricke,V. & Voslamber,B. 1999. Greylag Goose Anser anser: Northwest Europe. Pp 182-201 in Madsen,J., Cracknell,G. & Fox,A.D. (eds.) Goose populations in the western Palearctic. A review of status and distribution. Wetlands International Publ. 48, Wetlands international, Wageningen, The Netherlands. National Environmental Research Institute, Rönde, Denmark.


Nilsson,L. 2000. Changes in numbers and distribution of staging and wintering goose populations in Sweden 1977/78-1988/89. Ornis Svecica 10:33-49.

Nilsson, L. & Persson, H. 2000. Changes in field choice among staging and wintering geese in southwestern Scania, south Sweden. Ornis Svecica 10:161-169.


Nilsson, L. 2003. Internationella gåsinventeringarna i Sverige. Pp 33 - 44 i SOF 2003. Fågelåret 2002. Stockholm.


Nilsson, L. 2006. Internationella gåsinventeringarna i Sverige. Pp 35-50 i SOF 2006. Fågelåret 2005. Stockholm.


Nilsson, L. 2008. Recent changes in numbers and distribution of the Taiga Bean Goose Anser fabalis fabalis in south Sweden during 1977 - 2005. Vogelwelt 129:263-267.

Nilsson, L. 2008. Recent changes in numbers and distribution of the Swedish population of Greylag Geese Anser anser. Vogelwelt 129:343-347.


Fox, A.D. et al. 2010. Current estimates of goose population sizes in western Europe, a gap analysis and assessment of trends. Ornis Svecica 20:115-127.


Nilsson,L. 2012. Internationella gåsinventeringar I Sverige. Pp. 33 – 43. I SOF 2012. Fågelåret 2011. Stockholm.


Nilsson, L. 2013. Censuses of autumn staging and wintering goose populations in Sweden 1977/78 – 2011/12. Ornis Svecica 23:3-45

Nilsson, L. & Kampe-Persson, H. 2013. Field choice of autumn staging and wintering geese in south-western Sweden 1977/78 – 2011/12. Ornis Svecica 23:46-60


Ramo,C., Amat,J.A., Nilsson,L., Schricke, V.,Rodriguez-Alonso, M., Gomez-Crespo,E., Jubete,F., Navedo,J.G., Masero, J.A., Palacios,J., Boos,M. & Green,A.J. 2015. Latitudinal-Related Variation in Wintering Population Trends of Greylag Geese (Anser anser) along the Atlantic Flyway: A Response to Climate Change? PLOS ONE. Doi:10.1371/journal pone.0140181.


Nilsson, L. 2017. Internationella gåsinventeringarna i Sverige. Sid 33-41 i Fågelåret 2016.


Nilsson, L. & Kampe-Persson,H. 2020. Changes in numbers of staging and wintering geese in Sweden: 1977/78 – 2019/20. Wildfowl 70:107-126


Liljebäck,N., Bergqvist, G-, Elmberg, J., Haas,F., Nilsson, L., Lindström, Å. & Månssson, J. 2021. Learning from long time series of harvest and population data: Swedish lessons for European goose management. Wildlife Biology 2021: wlb.00733 doi: 10.298/wlb.00733.



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