White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons
The White-fronted Goose migrates in large numbers south of the Baltic sea,
whereas normally much smaller number passes Sweden during the autumn and the
number staging in the country are normally small compared to the the areas south
of the Baltic. During the first years only a few thousand White-fronted Geese were counted in the autumn peaking in either October or November. In later years numbers staging in Sweden increased as the western European population increased and normal autumn totals in the last few years were around 10000 - 20000 birds, with the exception of no less than 35000 - 40000 staging in southern Sweden in November 1999. Numbers has varied quite a lot between different years, especially in October some years had had very low counts due to late migration. The autumn counts in south Sweden are to a large extent dependent on the wind conditions in the Baltic area, with southeasterly winds larger numbers are found in south Sweden. January totals are normally much lower than the autumn totals. The old maximum count for January in Sweden was about 7000 in 2001 but in the mild winter of 2007 no less than 20000 were counted. In January 2008, another mild winter the total was 11000. In cold winters only small numbers have remained in Sweden. Thus only 21 were counted during the extremely cold winter of January 2011. The following winter, 2012, was milder and close to 10000 were counted in southernmost Sweden. In January 2013 few were counted, but in the mild winters 2014 and 2015 more than 10000 White-fronted Geese were found in south Sweden, mainly in Scania. The majority of the White-fronted Geese are counted in Scania, the southernmost province of Sweden and only small numbers have been counted in other parts of the country. In the winter White-fronted Geese are normally restricted to the south, but in the extremley mild winter 2007, they were dispersed over most of south Sweden.
Distribution map
To Goose counts Gåsinventeringar
Page Last updated 2020-02-04