Distribution of Long-tailed Ducks Clangula hyemalis along the Baltic coast of Sweden |
The distribution of Long-tailed Ducks at the surveys of offshore Swedish waters are shown in a series of maps. In all maps the transects lines are shown in black. In some regions surveys were done to cover all areas covering the different counting sectors totally, as was the case in Stockholm archipelago in 2004. First, national distribution maps for the species are shown for the three full-cover surveys in 2009, 2011 and 2016. Note that 2011 was a hard ice-winter with Kalmarsund and the archipelagos totally ice-covered. The red line on the map for this year shows the ice-edge during the surveys. Following the national distribution maps are a series of regional distribution maps.
Distribution of Long-tailed Ducks along the coast of Uppland and in the Gävle Bight.
Distribution of Long-tailed Ducks in the Stockholm archipelago 2004 -2016. In 2004 aerial surveys were area-based giving full coverage of the inner and middle zone of the archipelago, whereas line transects were undertaken in the other years. In 2009 and 2016 only the outer parts (= Long--tailed Duck areas) were covered, whereas the entire lines were surveyed in 2015.
Distribution of Long-tailed Ducks in the archipelagos of N Kalmar, Östergötland and Södermanland counties.
Distribution of Long-tailed Ducks around Öland and in the Kalmarsund
Distribution of Long-tailed Ducks around Gotland and the banks north of Gotland.
Distribution of Long-tailed Ducks on Hoburgs Bank.
Distribution of Long-tailed Ducks on the Midsjö Banks.
Distribution of Long-tailed Ducks in Hanöbukten and off the coasts of Blekinge.
Distribution of Long-tailed Ducks along the south coast of Scania. |
Page last updated 2016-05-10