Rapporter från de svenska sjöfågelinventeringarna
Reports from the Swedish waterfowl counts


Årliga rapporter Annual Reports

2000/01       2001/02            2002/03        2003/04           2004/05          2005/06

2006/07       2007/08            2008/09        2009/10           2010/11          2011/12

2012/13       2013/14            2014/15        2015/16           2016/17          2017/18



Publicerade rapporter
Published reports

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Nilsson,L. 1975. Midwinter distribution and numbers of Swedish Anatidae. Ornis Scandinavica 6:83-107


Nilsson,L. 1976. Monthly counts as a measure of population changes in some species of Anatidae in South Sweden. Ornis Scandinavica 7:193-205.


Nilsson,L. 1977. November distribution and numbers of Swedish Anatidae. Viltrevy 10:41-77.


Nilsson,L. 1980. September distribution and numbers of ducks, swans and certain other waterfowl in South Sweden. Vår Fågelvärld 39:277-290. Swedish with English summary.

Nilsson,L. 1980. Wintering diving duck populations and available food resources in the Baltic. Wildfowl 31:131-143.


Nilsson,L. 1983. September and January counts as a measure of changes in south Swedish Mallard populations. Wildfowl 34:89-98.


Nilsson,L. 1984. The impact of hard winters on waterfowl populations in south Sweden. Wildfowl 35:71-80.


Nilsson,L. 1991. Utbredning, beståndsstorlek samt långtidsförändringar i beståndens storlek hos övervintrande sjöfåglar i Sverige. ( English summary: Distribution, population size and long-term changes in population size of wintering waterfowl in Sweden.) Ornis Svecica 1:11-28. 


Nilsson, L. 1994. Midwinter counts of waterfowl along the Baltic coast of Sweden in January 1993. IWRB Sea Duck Bulletin 4:2-7.

Nilsson, L. 1994. Trettio års midvinterinventeringar av sjöfåglar utmed Skånes kuster, 1964 - 1993. Anser 33:245-256.


Nilsson, L. 1995. Changes in resting and wintering waterfowl populations in Sweden, 1967-1993. The Ring 15:135-146.


Nilsson, L. 1997. Changes in numbers and habitat utilization of wintering Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus in Sweden 1964-1997. Ornis Svecica 7:133-142.


Nilsson, L. 2002. Number of Mute Swans and Whooper Swans in Sweden 1967 - 2000. in E.C. Rees & J. Joulson (eds). Proceedings of the Fourth International Swan Symposium, 2001. Waterbirds Special Publication 1:53-60.

Desholm,M., Christensen,T.T., Scheiffarth,O., Hario,M.,  Andersson, Å., Ens, B., Camphuysen,C.J., Nilsson, L., Waltho,C.M., Lorentsen,S-H., Kuresoo,A., Kats,R.K.H., Fleet,D.M. & Fox, A.D. 2002.   Status of the Baltic/Wadden Sea population of the Common Eider Somateria m. mollissima. Wildfowl 53:167-203.


Nilsson,L. 2005. Wintering swans Cygnus spp. and Coot Fulica atra in the Öresund, South Sweden, in relation to available food resources. Ornis Svecica 15:13-21

Nilsson, L. 2005. Long-term trends and changes in numbers and distribution of some wintering waterfowl species along the Sweidh Baltic coast. Acta Zoologica Lituanica 15:151-157.

Nilsson, L. 2005. Wintering diving duck populations in the Öresund, southern Sweden, in relation to available food resources. Wildfowl 55:61-76.

Nilsson, L. 2005. Forty years of midwinter counts of waterfowl along the coasts of Scania, south Sweden, 1964-2003. Ornis Svecica 15:127-148.


Nilsson, L. 2006. Midvinterinventeringar av sjöfågel i Stockholms skärgård. Fåglar i Uppland 33:3:4-14.

Nilsson, L. 2006. 40 års midvinterinventeringar av svenska sjöfåglar. Vår Fågelvärld 65:8:20-25.

Nilsson,, L. 2006. Fluctuations and trends in Swedish waterfowl populations during hte last four decades. Waterbirds around the World. Eds. G.C. Boure, C.A. Galbraith & D. A. Stroud. The Stationary Office. Edinburgh, UK, Pp 478-479.


Nilsson, L. 2008. Changes and numbers and distribution of wintering waterfowl in Sweden during forty years, 1967-2006. Ornis Svecica 18:135-226.

Nilsson, L. 2008. The 1997/98 Non-Estuarine Coastal Waterbird Survey in Sweden. Pp 75-83 in: N.H.K. Burton, M.M. Rehfisch, D.A. Stroud & C.J. Spray (eds). The European Non-Estuarine Coastal Waterbird Survey. International  Wader Studies 18.


Skov,H., Heinänen,S., Zydelis,R., Bellebaum, J., Bzoma,S., Dagys,M., Durinck,J., Garthe,S., Grishanov,G.,Hario,M., Kiekbusch, J.J., Kue,J., Kuresoo,A., Larsson,K., Luigujoe,L., Meissner,W., Nehls,H.W., Nilsson , L. Petersen,I.K., Roos,M.M., Pihl, S., Sonntag, N., Stock, A., Stipniece,A. & Wahl.J. 2011. Waterbird Populations and Pressures in the Baltic Sea. Tema Nord 2011:550.


Ekroos,J., Fox, A.D., Christensen,T.K., Petersen, I.K., Kilpi, M., Jonson, J.E., Green,M., Laursen, K., Cervencl, A., de Boer,P., Meissner, W.,Nilsson, L. Garthe, S. & Öst, M. 2012. Declines amongst breeding Eider Somateria mollissima numbers in the Baltic/Wadden Sea flyway. Ornis Fennica: 89:81-90.  

Nilsson, L. 2012. Distribution and numbers of wintering sea ducks in Swedish offshore waters. Ornis Svecica 22: 39-60.


Lehikoinen, A., Jaatinen,K.,  Vähätalo, A.V., Clausen.P., Crowe,O., Deceuninck, B., Hearn, R., Holt, C.A., Hornman, M., Keller,V., Langedoen, T., Nilsson, L., Tomankova, I., Wahl, J. &, Fox, A. D. 2013. Rapid climate driven shifts in wintering distributions of three common waterbird species. Global Change Biology 19: 2071 -2081

Dalby, L., Söderquist, P., Christensen, ,T.K., Clausen, P., Einarsson, A., Elmberg, J.,. Fox, A.D., Holmqvist, N., Langendoen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Lindström, Å., Lorentsen, S-H, Nilsson, L.,  Pöysä, H., Rintala, R.,.. Sigfússon,A. & Svenning. J-C. 2013. The status of the Nordic populations of the Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) in a changing world. Ornis Fennica90:2 – 15.


Nilsson, L. 2014. Long-term trends in the number of Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus breeding and wintering in Sweden. Wildfowl 64:197-206.

Nilsson, L. 2014. Fluctuations and trends in numbers of staging waterbirds in south Sweden in September 1973-2013. Ornis Svecica 24:129 – 146.


PavonJordan, D., Fox,A..D., Clausen, P., Dagys,M. Deceuninck,B., Devos,K., Hearn,R.D., Holt, C.A., Hornman,M., Keller, V., Langedoen, T., Lawickii,L., Lorentsen,S.H., Luigujoe,L., Meissner,W., Musil,P., Nilsson, L.,  Paquet,J-Y., Stipniece,A., Stroud, D.A., Wahl,J., Zenaqtello,M. & Lehikoinen,A. 2015. Climate-driven changes in winter abundance of a migratory waterbird in relation to EU protected areas. Diversity and Distributions (2015):1-12.

Green, M. & Nilsson, L. 2015. The importance of offshore areas in southern Öresund for staging and wintering sea ducks. Ornis Svecica 25: 24-39.

Nilsson, L. 2015. Spring staging of Eiders Somateria mollissima in some Swedish east coast archipelagos and Gotland 2009 and 2010. Ornis Svecica 25:70-73.


Nilsson, L. & Haas, F. 2016. Distribution and numbers of wintering waterbirds in Sweden in 2015 and changes during the last fifty years. Ornis Svecica 26:3-54.

Nilsson, L. 2016. Changes in numbers and distribution of wintering Long-tailed Ducks Clangula hyemalis in Swedish waters during the last fifty years. Ornis Svecica 26:162-176.

Nilsson, L. 2016. .Survey of wintering Whooper Swans Cygnus Cygnus in Sweden in January 2015, and habitat shifts 1995 – 2015. Ornis Svecica 26:55-60.

Nilsson, L., Ogonowski, M. & Staveley, T.A.B. 2016. . Factors affecting the local distribution of the Long-tailed Duck Clangula hyemalis in Baltic offshore waters. Wildfowl 66:142-158.

Fox,A.D., Dalby,L., Christensen,T.K., Nagy,S., Balsny, T.J.S., Crowe,O., Clausen,P. Deceuninck,B., Devos,K., Holt,C.A-, Hornman,M., Keller,V., Langedoen,T., Lehikoinend,A., Lorentsen,S-H., Molina,B., Nilsson,L., Stipniece,A., Svenning,J-C. & Wahl, J. 2016. Seeking explanations for recent changes in abundance of wintering Eurasian Wigeon (Anas penelope) in northwest Europe. Ornis Fennica 92: 12 – 25.

Fox,A.D., Caizergues,A., Banik,MV., Devos, K., Dvorak,M., Ellermaa,M., Folliot, B., Green,A.J., Grüneberg,C., Guillemain,M., Håland,A., Hornman,M., Keller,V., Koshelev,A.L., Kostiushyn,V.A., Kozulin,A., Lawicki,L., Luigujoe,L., Müller,C.. Musil,P., Musilova,Z., Nilsson,L., Mischenko,A., Pöysä, H., Sciban,M., Sjenici,J., Stipniece,A., Svazas,S. & Wahl, J. 2016. Recent changes in the abundance of Comon Pochard Aythya ferina breeding in Europe. Wildfowl 66:22-40


Nilsson, L. & Olsson, M. 2017. Hanöbukten, an important wintering area for waterbirds in South Sweden. Ornis Svecica 27:23-36.


Pavon-Jordan,D. 2019 et al..  Habitat- and species-mediated short.and long-term distributional changes in waterbird abundance linked to variation in European winter weather. Diversity and Distribution 25:225-239. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12855

Laubek, B. et. al. 2019. Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus January population censuses for Northwest Mainland Europe, 1995-2015. Wildfowl Special Issue 5:103-122.


Pavon-Jordan, D. et al. 2020. Positive impacts of important bird and biodiversity areas on wintering waterbirds under changing temperatures throughout Europe and North Africa. Biological Conservation 246 (2020) 108549. Doi.org/10.1016/j.bio.con.2020.108549. (Diego Pavon-Jordan et al.).

Nilsson, L. 2020. Changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds at the south coast of Scania, Sweden, during 55 winters, 1964-2018. Ornis Svecica30:38-52. Doi.org/10.34080/os.v30.19987.

Marchowski,D. et al. 2020. Effectiveness of the European Natura 2000 network to sustain a specialist wintering waterbirds in the face of climate change. Scientific Reports 20:20286. Doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-77153-4. Nature research.


Nilsson, L. 2021. Rekordmånga sångsvanar under förra vintern. Vår Fågelvärld 80: 1: 26-30.

Nilsson, L. & Hermansson, C. 2021. Changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds around Gotland 1969-2020. Ornis Svecica 31:78-93



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