Coot Fulica atra
The Coot is a common breeding bird in eutrophic lakes in the southern part of the
Sweden. In winter it is mainly concentrated to the open coasts of the southernmost part of
the country, mostly in sheltered shallow areas with rich submerged vegetation but it is
also found in the inner bays of the archipelagos in as long as open water is available.
The midwinter population in 1988-89 was estimated to only 3,000 after a
population crasch in January 1979, but at the next country-wide survey in
January 2004, more than 20000 were counted. At the coastal survey in January
2015 about 12000 were found at the coasts.
Both September and January indices show a more or less bimodal pattern. No longterm trend was found in the September counts, but the longterm trend for January was slightly increasing and significant. Both shortterm trends showed significant decreases, probably related to hard winters. In September Coots are much concentrated to some important bird-lakes suchs as Tåkern and Hornborgasjön, where up to 20000 have been counted in some years.
Coot January 2015 |
Page last updated 2021-02-09