Shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis |
The Shag is a new wintering species along the Swedish
west coast in recent years. It started to appear in small numbers in the
northern part of the west coast during the last 20 years formerly being
restricted to Norway and Great Britain. Small numbers appeared in the
Koster archipelago 10-15 years ago and some shags were also found
breeding here. They later spread along the entire west coast and are now
regular on small islands and skeriies all the way down to Scania.
During the midwinter counts in 2020 no less than 802 shags were reported even if there was just sample coverage of the west coast. During the last full survey of the Swedish coast in 2015, the number of shags counted was no more than 28. This survey was however done from the air and the species is difficult to separate from the Cormorant in mixed flocks.
Page last updated 2021-02-10