Teal Anas crecca |
The Teal is a regularly breeding species in the country. In southern
Sweden is is regular on staging areas, where it can be seen in flocks
with hundreds to some thousands of indviduals on some sites. K September is the migration period for the Teal and appreciable numbers can be found on the staging areas in the southern part of the country giving good data for the calculation of annual indices. As for the Wigeon the Teal shows marked fluctuations between years in the September indices, partly depending on the weather situation. The overall trend for the series as well as the trend for the last ten years were both significantly increasing. September 2016 produced the highest index in the series. During winter only few Teal were found in Sweden during the January counts but they started to winter more commonly in later years with a few hundred counted in the midwinter surveys. In 2012 no less than 3000 were counted in Sweden. The January indices show marked variations in relation to the hardness of the winter. The annual January mean for the Teal in Sweden for the years 1971 - 1999 was about 115 individuals. For the period 2000 - 2019, the total was normally higher than 1000 individuals. The Swedish midwinter indices showed an increase of about 8% per year for the entire period, whereas the Northwest- European indices showed an increase of about 2% per year. At the country-wide coastal count in 2015 close to five hundred were counted to be compared to 315 in the preceeding total survey in 2004 and only 7 in the early seventies. Most Teal were found at the coasts of south Sweden (see map).
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![]() Teal January 2015 |
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Page last updated 2021-02-09